Research Group


Joe W Bull | Lead researcher | Joe’s main research interests lie in exploring, at the landscape scale, which components of biodiversity are the most crucial to protect and restore – given that ecosystems are dynamic, uncertain and subject to environmental change. To do so, he combines field ecology with simulation modelling and algorithm development, statistical analysis of large secondary data sets, and spatial data analyses (including working with satellite imagery). Explore Joe’s publications here.

Shahzoda Alikhanova | PhD Researcher | Shahzoda is based at the University of Oxford, and her research is focused on exploring the application of nature-based solutions in the Aral Sea basin. She is using a multidisciplinary approach at the cross-section of ecological and geospatial sciences. Her broader interests lie in biodiversity policy, habitat connectivity and spatial data analysis. More generally, Shahzoda has a cross-sector experience – biodiversity conservation, forest, land and water resources management, climate change, good agricultural practices and renewable energy. Explore Shahzoda’s publications here.

Ardiantono | PhD researcher | Ardiantono (Ardian) is at DICE (University of Kent) as part of the Tropical Defaunation Hub led by Dr MJ Struebig. His PhD work is focused on understanding the population dynamics of terrestrial vertebrates across Sumatra, using a combination of remote observations (eg. camera trap data) and direct field surveys, as well as appropriate statistical modelling. Subsequently, he will assess the technical feasibility of measures designed to conserve and restore habitat and species populations in the face of major infrastructure expansion. His PhD is supervised by Dr Struebig and Dr JW Bull.

Talitha Bromwich | Postdoctoral researcher; Lead analyst | Talitha works on nature positive tools to measure biodiversity footprints and plot a path towards worldwide ecological recovery. This involves collaborating with organisations to quantify the environmental impacts and biodiversity losses associated with different activities and identify how these could be mitigated through institutional change. Talitha has a background in Physics and Bioinformatics, with a DPhil working on high-energy particle collider technologies and a post-doctoral research position in causal methods in human disease genetics. She recently completed an MSc in Global Biodiversity Conservation to focus her skills on working towards a nature positive future. Other interests include rewilding and nature-based solutions through work with Rewilding Britain, and remote sensing technologies for habitat mapping – most recently using LiDAR to map over-road tree canopy connectivity to support pine marten reintroduction projects.

Shuo Gao | PhD researcher | Shuo Gao (Jack), based at the University of Oxford, focuses on means for balancing economic, social and environmental outcomes during business development processes in emerging economies. He is currently researching the establishment of green business models that could enable the Chinese industrial sector to improve its environmental performance. Further, he is interested in the application of economic appraisal techniques to evaluate non-market environmental disamenities. Explore Jack’s publications here.

Isobel Hawkins | Researcher | Isobel is based at the University of Oxford, where she is working on an MBiol Project into the ability of Defra’s Biodiversity Metric 3.0 to detect variation in habitat condition. The goal of the project is to evaluate how well the Metric performs as a tool for enabling development to achieve Biodiversity Net Gain. More generally, Isobel is interested in the policy and methods involved in the restoration and enhancement of UK biodiversity. She is currently working for the group as a researcher, collecting and processing data on the implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain in early adopter councils.

Diego Juffe-Bignoli | PhD researcher | Diego is carrying out a part-time PhD under the auspice of The Development Corridors Partnership project with UNEP-WCMC. The project uses a capacity-building approach to examine proposed development corridors in Kenya and Tanzania, assessing how they can be designed to deliver sustainable, inclusive, and resilient economic growth. Diego is exploring  the science of assessing the impacts of development corridors (i.e. large scale infrastructure development programmes), by investigating the application of the mitigation hierarchy and considering cumulative impacts from multiple projects within development corridors. His methods build over 15 years of professional experience and revolve around GIS, connectivity analyses, systematic conservation planning, and analysis of large secondary data sets. Explore Diego’s publications here. LinkedIn in profile here.

Maureen Kinyanjui | PhD researcher | Maureen is interested in exploring human behaviour in dynamic social-ecological systems, and how that influences conflict between humans and wildlife. During her PhD, she will specifically analyse how rapid and ongoing system change is influencing anthropogenic interactions with elephants in Sagalla, Kenya. To do so, she will consider recent social, psychological and economic drivers of change, going on to develop predictive models of future interactions between humans and elephants. Ultimately, her research aims to support conflict management interventions in becoming more effective and robust to changing social-ecological contexts.

Lorena Vidal | Researcher and data analyst | Lorena is interested in using data analysis to uncover the diverse impacts of human activities on biodiversity loss and climate change, and using these insights to support the implementation of efficient nature-positive solutions. To do so, she works with a variety of methodologies including Life-Cycle Impact Assessments and literature reviews. Lorena’s broader interests lie at the intersection of biological and social sciences, and seeking for research to inform transformative and impactful changes for people and nature. She completed an MPhil in Development Studies at the University of Cambridge (UK), and a BSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Biology at McGill University (Canada).

Sophus zu Ermgassen | Postdoctoral researcher | Sophus’ research takes an interdisciplinary approach towards resolving the potential conflict between the expansion of the world’s infrastructure networks and biodiversity conservation. His methods include evidence-synthesis, spatial analyses, and causal inference. he has multiple other interests including market-based instruments for biodiversity conservation, post-growth economics, ecosystem service quantification, rewilding, and the biodiversity impacts and governance of the global sand-mining industry. Explore Sophus’ publications here.


Hanna Kalliolevo | PhD researcher | Hanna focuses on exploring the outcomes of biodiversity offset policies. She uses analyses of spatial statistics and landscape trends to reveal the result of offset implementation on the ground. This is in terms of both biophysical outcomes, and also how those relate to people and their potential use of biodiversity.


University of Oxford

Associate Professor, Tutorial Fellow

Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science

Steering Group member

Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology

Visiting Researcher

The Conservation Hierarchy

Research team member.

Benchmark for Nature

Research team member.

Institute of Zoology of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences


Environmental Decisions Alliance


IUCN Thematic Group on Ecosystem Impact Mitigation and Ecological Compensation


Oxford Martin Programme on Biodiversity & Society
